


• To know all multiplication facts for 10 up to 10 x 12
• To know all division facts for 10 up to 120
• To know all number bonds of multiples of 10 up to 100
• To count forwards and backwards in multiples of 5
• To know all multiplication facts for 5 up to 5 x 12
• To know all division facts for 5 up to 60

Things you can do at home to help

At every opportunity practise counting forwards and backwards in multiples of 5 and 10. You could ask your child to count or take it in turns – a game we call ‘tennis’. You say 5, they say 10, you say 15, etc.
Ask your child to use skip counting when they count. This is where they use their fingers to represent each group of 5 or 10 they count. You can then ask them to stop and ask how many groups they have counted. This is then the multiplication fact. For example, count, 5, 10, 15, 20. Your child should display 4 fingers. You can then encourage your child to say: four groups of 5 is 20. 4 x 5 = 20. You can then talk about the division facts: 20 ÷ 5 = 4, etc. This activity can then lead onto your child knowing their 5 and 10 times table and division facts, where you can ask ‘quickfire’ questions: What is 5 x 10? 3 x 10? 7 x 5? 30 ÷ 5? 12 x 5? 12 x 10? 25 ÷ 5? 60 ÷ 10?
It is important that you always relate multiplication facts to the division facts.
When talking about number bonds for 100. Link this to your child’s knowledge of number bonds to 10. If you know 6 and 4 make 10, then you know that 60 and 40 make 100.
There are many songs for the 5 and 10 times table that you can find on YouTube. Why not have a go at singing them together!
Links to games that will help