Welcome back to our children and families. We are excited for all the learning that will take place over the half term!

Class Information

Welcome to Van Gogh Class! Our teacher is Miss Broadbent. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Gudgeon as our teaching assistant. Mrs Rushworth works with us on a Tuesday afternoon. It is really important that we remember to bring our book bags and water bottles to school every day. We must also remember our P.E kits. Normally we have PE on a Monday and Friday.

Every Friday we get new spellings to learn. It is important that we read at home at least 3 times a week and my reading record book is signed at least once a week.

We are looking forward to a great year in Van Gogh class!

Mrs Butters 
Van Gogh Painting
In Van Gogh class we have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh, he was a famous artist that created lots of beautiful paintings. We had a go at recreating his famous stary night painting. 
My Happy Mind 
In Van Gogh class we have been practising our happy breathing every day this first week back. We have also enjoyed learning about our brains and how we use them everyday.