School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 19th July and reopens on Tuesday 3rd September. Have a lovely break!

Class Information

Welcome to Mozart Class. Our Class Teacher is Mrs Ryder and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Littlewood, Mrs Farr and Miss Loxam. 

In Year 5, we have a very busy schedule! On Tuesdsays we go swimming so we must remember our swimming kit. On Thursday mornings, we have a PE lesson with a specialist sports coach. We must make sure that we come to school every Thursday in our PE kit. Monday afternoons are particularly special in Year 5 as we have trumpet lessons with Miss Varley. We must make sure we look after and practise our trumpets at home too!

Every day, we work hard in all lessons to achieve our targets!

English and maths homework is set on a Friday and must be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday.

A full Year 5 spelling list can be found in our planner and in our homework book.

Reading is also part of our homework and we must make sure that we read at least three times a week with an adult. Reading for pleasure is really important and we are working towards reading every book in each planet on our Reading Planet Scheme. Our planner needs to be signed by Wednesday every week.

In maths, we are working hard to achieve our NASA passport! A full list of the objectives can be found in our homework book and planner. Times tables are vital to our learning, using TT Rockstars weekly will support our maths lesson greatly.