Welcome back to our children and families. We are excited for all the learning that will take place over the half term!


Welcome to Parental Involvement at Swain House Primary School

Sarah Broadbent and Ellie Armitage are Learning Mentors for our children and Parental Support for all our families here at Swain House Primary School.

What is Parental Involvement?

At Swain House Primary School we want to engage and support all our families to enable their child or children to reach their full potential.

The Pastoral team works alongside families parents and guardians to help them with any issues that may arise.

The Pastoral Team can support you with most things like attendance, concerns around children’s health, working with the School Nursing Team, First Aid, Fundraising Events, GDPR and lots of other things, however if it is not something they can directly help with, they can signpost you to other appropriate outside agencies and continue to offer you support.

At Swain House primary School, we also have a "Friends of Swain House" (FoSH), this team of parents/guardians and school staff play a very active role in organising events for your children, raising funds for the school itself or other charitable events. Take a look at the Friends of Swain House section of the website for further information, this can be found under the heading "Our School".

If you have any questions or concerns and feel we can help, please contact the school and ask to speak to Mrs Broadbent or Miss Armitage, they can be reached via the school's main contact number.