School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 19th July and reopens on Tuesday 3rd September. Have a lovely break!


Physical Education Curriculum
“Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude and your mood.” Vedant Bhavsar
  • Swain House Primary School believes that Physical Education is essential for children to achieve good health, developing both physically and mentally
  • We intend to teach children how to live and enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle as well as developing their lifelong enjoyment of physical activity, striving to ensure that every child exceeds their potential
  • Through an inclusive curriculum, we intend to deliver high-quality teaching and provide learning opportunities that will inspire all children to succeed in Physical Education both in school, and throughout their lives
  • We want to give children the skills to keep themselves safe through being able to swim and the skills to be physically confident
  • Through our Physical Education curriculum and our whole school use of The 7 Habits, we will teach our children how to collaborate, cooperate through effective teamwork and to understand the fairness of play and respect which will embed lifelong values
  • Teachers and support staff will have good subject knowledge and will be provided with training opportunities to ensure high quality teaching and learning takes place
  • Physical Education at Swain House will provide appropriate challenge and enjoyment for all learners through teaching a range of sporting activities
  • At Swain House we have access to specialist Sports UK coaches who will provide expert teaching and enhance our lesson planning
  • In EYFS and Key Stage 1, the children will develop key skills, become increasingly proficient and confident to improve their agility, balance and coordination, on their own and as part of a group or team. The children will engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities, in a range of challenging situations
  • In Key Stage 2, the children will continue to develop and practice a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and link them to make actions and sequences in movement. The children will be provided with opportunities which allow them to enjoy working in teams, communicating and competing. Year 4 children will be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently
  • Children will be given opportunities to compete against other children from schools in the local area competitively, experiencing collaboration with others and strengthening their leadership skills
  • Children will be provided with a range of extracurricular activities where they can practice their skills under the guidance of school staff as well as external coaches
  • On yearly residentials in KS2, children will be provided with the chance to try new activities such as archery, orienteering, abseiling, climbing and caving
  • We hope that all children leave Swain House to become lifelong learners, continuing their enjoyment of physical activity
  • They will be given the skills and learning necessary to live mentally and physically healthy lives.
  • The impact of our teaching in school will be monitored by subject coordinators and through an end of year assessment by class teachers
  • All children, including those who are disadvantaged and have SEND, will have the best possible outcomes and experience fun, engaging and competitive sports