Welcome back to our children and families. We are excited for all the learning that will take place over the half term!

Class Information

Welcome to Beethoven class. Our teacher is Miss Brow and our teaching assistant is Miss Bale. 
In Year 6, we must remember all of our equipment! Planners and reading books need to be in school every day. Our planners must be signed by Wednesday. We have PE every Thursday; we can arrive at school in our PE kit.

In school, we are working hard to achieve Maths Passport stamps. A full list of objectives can be found in our planners. It is vital that we know all of the times tables and recall maths facts quickly. It is also important for us to read a wide range of texts regularly at home.

At home, we must practise the Year 6 spellings, which can be found in our planners, read at least three times a week and practise the times tables on TT Rockstars.