Welcome back to our children and families. We are excited for all the learning that will take place over the half term!



  • At Swain House Primary School, we believe that it is essential for all pupils to learn from and about religions, so that they can understand the world around them
  • Our pupils will develop tolerance of diversity and understanding of all people, including those who follow a religion and those who do not
  • We aim that all pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of both Christianity and Islam as well as the other main world religions
  • Our pupils will learn how religions shape life and behaviour
  • Through teaching of religious education, pupils will learn how to make reasoned judgements about moral issues and enhance their personal development
  • Religious education is taught throughout school, from the Early Years up to Year 6
  • Using links to our PSHE education, pupils will develop their social awareness, their place in the world in an understanding of society
  • We encourage discussions during religious education lessons and pupils reflect on their own beliefs
  • We include and promote British values, ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens both during RE and PSHE lessons as well as on One Britain One Nation days
  • Our curriculum is designed to encourage enquiry, debate and discussion

  • We follow the Local Agreed RE Syllabus from Kirklees Believing and Belonging in West Yorkshire to deliver our RE curriculum. This is used by schools inBradford, Calderdale, Kirklees and Leeds
  • Each unit of work focuses around a key question
  • Enquiry and investigation of the key question includes an analysis of the question; critical investigation into relevant beliefs, practices and ways of life and reasoned and critical response
  • We use a range of teaching strategies to enable children to know more and remember more drama, hot seating, visits and visitors and discussion
  • All pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a faith assembly throughout the year, presenting their learning to the rest of school and parents these include Holi, Christmas, Passover, Hanukkah, Diwali, Wesak, Easter and Eid al-Adha
  • One Britain One Nation day is celebrated yearly in school with a focus on the British values including tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
  • We have assemblies throughout the year looking at the six main world religions
  • During our autumn 1 theme Proud to be from Bradford we look at the different religious buildings in our local area and the religions people follow

  • The impact of our religious education curriculum is evaluated through outcomes in RE books, end of theme assessments and pupil voice
  • Pupils will have a good understanding of the main world religions
  • Pupils will have a good understanding of non-religious world views
  • pupils will be tolerant of those of different faiths and beliefs
  • Pupils will value and appreciate diversity in our own area and in the wider world
  • Pupils will act as responsible, respectful and safe citizens