
School Uniform


Main Uniform – Winter
White/light blue polo shirt or blouse/shirt
Black/grey school tailored trousers
Black/grey navy skirt or pinafore or Salwar Kameez
Royal blue sweatshirt with/without school logo
Royal blue cardigan with/without school logo
Black/grey/white plain tights
Sensible black school shoes these can be trainers but must be entirely black  

Alternative – Summer Uniform
Black/grey knee length shorts
Blue gingham summer dress

P.E. Uniform
Plain white T shirt 
Plain black/navy shorts
Plain black/navy leggings 
Plain black/navy/grey joggers
Plain black/navy/grey sweatshirt  - without logos 
Trainers for outdoor PE

Pupils may not wear jewellery with the exception of one pair of stud earrings and watches. Swain House Primary accommodates exceptions to the above statement for recognised religious reasons in accordance with guidance from Bradford Council. Requests for exceptions should be made in writing. Jewellery, if worn for religious reasons, and watches will need to be removed for PE. Stud earrings may be kept in for PE with written permission from parents.

Pupils may not wear false nails for school. Pupils may not wear make-up for school.

All pupils are expected to wear full school uniform. Clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name. Baseball cap/hats may not be worn in the classroom. Sweatshirts with the school logo may be purchased at the school office.