Welcome back to our children and families. We are excited for all the learning that will take place over the half term!

School Council Information

At Swain House we have a democratically elected school council which is re-elected every year. There are at present 20 school council members, 2 councillors from every class from year 2 onwards.

I am pleased to introduce to you the Swain House Primary School Councillors for 2022-2023

Lowry - Dale and Roop
Van Gogh - Jensen and Gracie-Mae
Anne Fine - Harry and Taaliyah
Roald Dahl - Noah and Lilly
JK Rowling - Lucas and Alayna
Jacqueline Wilson - Eesa and Olivia
Elgar - Haroon and Evie
Mozart -Charlie and Scarlett
Beethoven - Logan-Lee and Tahlia
Vivaldi - Saah'il and Samanta

Why do we have a School Council?
The School Council are responsible for leading charity fundraising events in school. Over the years we have raised lots of money for charities such Comic Relief, Sport Relief and Children in Need through bun sales, wrapped biscuit sales, whole-school exercise challenges, selling red noses and even wearing our pyjamas to school!

Our School Council also work hard to make positive changes to the way the school works by completing pupil and parent questionnaires both at the beginning and the end of the school year, and sometime in between.

Does having a School Council develop life skills?
Having a School Council enables pupils to have a voice and to understand that their opinions count.

Being a school councillor provides a basis for active learning of important life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, moral reasoning skills as well as developing speaking and listening skills. It also boosts pupils' self-esteem and self-confidence.

School Council experiences provide a dynamic foundation for learning about citizenship. By being a part of the School Council pupils acquire the skills which help them to become resilient to negative experiences.

Does having a School Council improve behaviour?
Maintaining good positive behaviour is not only the teacher's responsibility but is taken on by all members of the class and the whole school community.

Through the development of positive peer leadership, and encouraging all pupils to express their opinions, pupils develop the skills to amicably resolve conflicts amongst their peers reducing disruptive behaviour.

There is improved communication between pupils and teachers, senior management and governors.

The school develops into a community where pupils and teachers work in partnership towards shared goals.