School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 19th July and reopens on Tuesday 3rd September. Have a lovely break!


“In our changing world, nothing changes more than geography.” Pearl S Buch

  • Geography is sometimes used as a key theme for the term (as is history) but we also aim to ensure that it is integrated into other areas of the curriculum
  • Teaching of geography should ignite pupils natural curiosity for the world around them and be memorable and provide moments of awe and wonder
  • The National curriculum is used to provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum; ensuring the progression of skills across school, from Early Years to Year 6
  • Our pupils will be equipped with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life through our approach of school, local, national and global learning
  • Teaching ensures pupils have a good knowledge about diverse places, people and environments

  • Through training, teachers will have good subject knowledge of all aspects of the geography curriculum
  • Pupils will have a good knowledge of countries and places through weekly activities using globes and maps
  • Through local visits in all year groups, pupils will develop a sense of belonging and their understanding of our local environment
  • Learning is revisited to ensure pupils know more and remember more
  • At the end of each theme, key knowledge and skills are reviewed by the pupils in end of theme quizzes and non-chronological reports
  • Each theme is supported by a range of new key vocabulary that deepens understanding and learning
  • Pupils have access to a range of resources to develop learning through atlases, globes, digital technology, books, photographs and visits or visitors into school
  • Through our geography curriculum, pupils have opportunities to investigate and interpret a range of geographical locations in Britain and across the wider world
  • Each year pupils begin their geographical learning with the theme Proud to be from Bradford where pupils across school explore and investigate different aspects of our local area
  • Geography provides excellent opportunities to support all learning abilities through investigations and outdoor learning
  • We are incredibly fortunate to have a vast amount of outdoor space, including our wildlife area to allow pupils to be hands on with the environment
  • Pupils take part in a weekly Picture News assembly, focusing on a current news story which provides an image and a thought-provoking question to stimulate their curiosity and knowledge of the wider world

  • The impact of our geography curriculum is evaluated through outcomes in theme books, end of theme quizzes and pupil voice
  • Pupils will have a good understanding of locational knowledge through maps and globes
  • pupils will be competent users of maps and globes
  • Pupils will value and appreciate diversity in our own area and in the wider world
  • Pupils will act as responsible, respectful and safe citizens.