School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 19th July and reopens on Tuesday 3rd September. Have a lovely break!

Class Information

Welcome to Lowry Class! Our teacher is Mrs Normington. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Storton as our teaching assistant. Mrs Habergham also works in our classroom - usually on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

It is really important that we remember to bring our book bags and water bottles to school every day. We must also remember our P.E kits. Normally we have PE on a Monday and Friday. In the Autumn Term, PE is Monday and Tuesday as we learn street dance.

Every Friday we get new spellings to learn. These will come home on a slip of paper in our bookbags. We need to practise them as much as possible, ready for a spelling test the following Friday.

It is very important that we read at home at least 3 times a week. Reading is an important skill and the more we read, the more fluent we will become. My reading record book must be signed at least once a week. Reading will be recorded on my pupil mentoring sheet. I am aiming for Yellow or green!
We also have access to Lexia and Numbots. See my reading record book for log in details. The more I practise, the better I will become at reading, writing and maths. There are lots of certificates to achieve! Try to go on as much as possible - 5 to 10 minutes a day is excellent practise. 

We are really looking forward to a great year in Lowry class!